Production / Filming Schedule
Alright.. now that I have the plot, storyboard, and script now we have to talk about the film schedule. So since the project is due in less than a month (march 12), I need to start thinking about when and where I am going to film this movie. And I also have to figure out what I am going to do about the cast because I feel as if I am doing this project alone. My group members barely contribute on this project and I feel like I am doing everything by myself. But that is besides the point. Lets get back into what I was originaly talking about. I am thinking that I start filming and recording maybe the beginning of March or end of February. But then again, that depend on my group members because I can probably do some assign,ents by myslef but filming and recording a movie is not a walk at the park.... meaning thats it is not that easy to do by yourself for those wondering. If I start in the beginning of march I would do something each day whether it is actually recording or other things that relate to my movie. Well I know we didnt get that much into what the topic was about buttt... thats it for today.. talk to you laterrrr!!!
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