Research on Genre

So for my genre I chose Horror. Some of the basic conventions os horror is to make the film original and unpredictable. Different aspects of media texts are made to set the horror genre are narrative, character, setting, props, color, costume, lighting, and sound. Most films with my genre usually start off dark with mysterious music in the background. The bacjground music shows that the film is supposed to be scary but also not giving to much info. Usually in the first 2 minutes start of subtle. Horror films are often shot in a haunted house with a group of kids most likely at night time. The audience i am trying to appeal to are teens usually because young adults and teenagers enjoy a lot of thrill and exitement. Age groups like adults and older people would not want to watch. The title of horror films are mostly big and bold with blood or anything else that can seem scary on it. In movies with that genre, there are varieties of different social groups that are portrayed. Some are the regular "cool kid" group that are the ones that is usually affected by the main killer or character. Another group is an unpopular group that joins with the cool kids. Stay tuned for more....


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