Okay..the plot

 Sooo.. most horror movies all have really cool names.. so what about mines??  Heres some options..

1. The sleepover

2. Where has all the kids gone

3. The girl

For my movie title i'm trying to not go for the usual "haunted house" or something with "monster" in it. I've decided that I wanted a title that no one would ever think of. Let's go through the options again. "The sleepover".. For that title I was thinking like a group of friends that go have fun but something happens unexpectedly. Too boring.. "Where has all the kids gone".. Sounds like something true and very scary.. Like scary too the point where no one can ever finish the movie.. Not what im going for. And lastly "The girl".. Good title.. but its almost too predictable about what actually going to happen in the movie. You know like that weird girl that turns evil and goes after every one. Nah.. Okay maybe were going to need to look for some more titles. 

Second options..

1. Don't tell..

2. Look behind you..

3. The maze

Alright let's see.. "Dont tell" Sounds good and I was thinking that the plot can go something like this.. A stalker that kidnaps someone and keeps them for a long time and the person being kidnapped is reminded everday to not tell anyone or something will happen.. That's good but lets keep going. "Look behind you" I'm not really sure what i want to do for this one but it's a good title I guess.. Last one.. "The maze" I've actually based this one off of a game that I play. You start off in maze one.. There's Ralph and Stan. Stan only kills you if you turn your back towards him if not he leaves.. Ralph comes around the corners and chases you until he finds someone else to get. Then when you make it to maze two Alice comes.. She's a fairy that flies past you then turn into a human to chase you but be careful because Ralph might be on the other side to trap you.. There's more to it but that would be a great idea. More coming soon... Byeee


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